Margaret Kidwell Endowment Reception on 29 August 2013


The Genetics GIDP is announcing a campaign for a yearly Lectureship in Genetics at UA, in honor of Dr. Margaret Kidwell, Regents Professor Emeritus of EEB and member and previous Chair of the Genetics GIDP.  Our kick-off event is scheduled to coincide with Margaret's 80th birthday this month.  Margaret will be in attendance along with some of her past students and colleagues from the University of Arizona community, and her family members.  This kick-off event/80th birthday celebration is being co-hosted by the Genetics GIDP and the EEB Department and we would like to invite you to attend the event at the Tucson Botanical Gardens (Porter Hall, 2150 N Alvernon Way) on Thursday, 29 August 2013, 6 -7:30PM.