IGERT Symposium on Genomics and Gene Expression on 4/26.


IGERT Symposium on Genomics and Gene Expression on Friday, April 26, 2013. 

This one-day event is open to everyone and will be held at the Marriott University Park Hotel.  Lunch will be provided.  The symposium will feature four speakers and a poster session where the current IGERT students will present their research from individual projects.  

Please RSVP at www.genomics.arizona.edu/rsvp.html by Thursday, April 18, 2013.  

Friday, April 26, 2013, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm

Marriott University Park Hotel

880 E. Second Street

Tucson, Arizona 85719


10:30 am         Patricia Wittkopp, University of Michigan

"Genomic sources of regulatory variation: from mutation to polymorphism to divergence"

11:15 am         Rachel Brem, University of California, Berkeley

"Pathway regulatory evolution in fungi"

12:00 pm         Lunch and Poster Session

2:30  pm          Christina Richards, University of South Florida

"Understanding mechanisms of response to novel and changing environments"

3:15  pm          Jenny Tung, Duke University

"Social regulation of gene expression in captive and wild primates

Please RSVP at www.genomics.arizona.edu/rsvp.html by Thursday, April 18, 2013